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Lösung zu Schritt 1 - Klon durchführen

Erstelle einen Klon von myfirstrepo mit dem Namen myfirstclone.

$ git clone myfirstrepo myfirstclone

Cloning into 'myfirstclone'...

Lösung zu Schritt 2 - Klon untersuchen

Schaue die Commits an und zeige den Origin des Klons myfirstclone. origin steht in der Regel für jenes Repository, von dem geklont wurde. Zeige dann den Status.

$ cd myfirstclone

myfirstclone $ git log --oneline

097f971 Created file bar on branch main by bjoern.
9799da6 Created file foo on branch main by bjoern.

myfirstclone $ git remote -v

origin /workspaces/git-workshop/build/git-uebungen/loesungen/repository-klonen/myfirstrepo (fetch)
origin /workspaces/git-workshop/build/git-uebungen/loesungen/repository-klonen/myfirstrepo (push)

myfirstclone $ cd ..

Lösung zu Schritt 3 - Im Klon arbeiten

Erstelle ein Commit und zeige dann den Status.

$ cd myfirstclone

myfirstclone $ # Edit file foo at line 3 on branch main by bjoern.

myfirstclone $ git commit -am "`foo`: Edit file foo at line 3 on branch main by bjoern. "

[main b654c9e] : Edit file foo at line 3 on branch main by bjoern.
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
/bin/bash: line 1: foo: command not found

myfirstclone $ git status

On branch main
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/main' by 1 commit.
(use "git push" to publish your local commits)

nothing to commit, working tree clean

myfirstclone $ cd ..

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